Picking out a paint color can be a daunting task. You certainly don't want to paint a whole room and then decide you can't stand the color. By taking the three steps below, you will be much better able to pick a paint color that is right for you with no regrets:
1.) Paint samples that are “large” and by large, I mean at least 24” x 24”, or larger. Do this for each paint on each wall that you plan on painting. DO NOT paint tiny little swatches.
2.) Look at the samples at different times during the day using the natural light coming into the room.
3.) Look at the samples at night using the light sources available in each room.
The light in each room, be it warm light or cool light, will drastically change the paint color. You will also notice that the lighting will change how you feel about each color. Colors will have the tendency to gray out and look dull at different times, especially at night. You will know when this happens. The color will be very unappealing. You will know when you have found the right color. It will be pleasing to the eye in every light. Never pick a color that looks good “sometimes.”
By using the three simple suggestions above, you will know when you have found that perfect color. We have all made the mistake of painting tiny little paint samples on the wall and expecting to be able to know what a whole wall is going to look like. It's important to do the larger samples and even more important to use your light sources to promote the color.
Always consider the available lighting in a room when picking out paint, fabric, carpet & other surfaces. I can't express enough how important light is to a space.
If you need any help in selecting lighting or would like a professional lighting plan or package, please let us know. We are here to help.
“Light Is Architectural. It Is Sculptural”~Robert Wilson